
Busiest days of the week and year for U.S. private jet flights

Recent analysis showed the most busiest days for the private jet flights for the first half of 2019. There were an overall increase in flight activity of 0.3%, with the average 10,000 flights per day.

The most busiest day is Thursday with the average of 10,124 flights. The second busiest day is Friday, with 9,505 flights, with the next Wednesday at 9,353 average flights. 8,774 average flights are done on Tuesdays, while Mondays have 8,593 flights per day. The fewest flights are on Saturdays – average 5,986 flights, which is 40% less than Thursdays. Sunday has an average of 7,108 flights.

What’s about U.S., the most active states are Florida, California, and Texas, with the most private jets departures.

Only two dates in 2019 has less than 5,000 private jet flights : May 26 with 4,710 and Jan 12 with 4,954, due to holidays. The most 10 busiest days of the year were 7 Thursdays and 3 Fridays.  The busiest was May 23 with 11,125 flights followed by April 18 (11,084 flights), May 24 (10,706), and June 27 (10,693).

Florida had 154,313 private jet flights in 6 months, followed by California and Texas with 144,526 and 139,036 flights, and this top is the same as in 2018. However, Georgia is pushing New Jersey out of the fourth spot, although it was a big drop off at 51,127 private flight departures. New Jersey was fifth in terms of business aviation activity with 50,242 flights, although combined with neighboring New York at 39,664 flights meant the two Northeastern states were the source of 89,706 departures aboard private aircraft.

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